THIS is a post I started on SEPT 16th, 2011..... I am going into the archives to finish some off as I begin to start up the blog again!
Busy, busy. Kind of. Well, at least, I have been ignoring the blog for awhile. The long winter (aka the month of August) actually got me back to being somewhat productive and into an actual schedule. We also had a few new adventures, which I will have to talk about soon as well, before I forget and before we have too many new ones. For now, I am going to tell you what I have been doing with all of this "time". You see, before moving here, I had big expectations of the things I was going to accomplish. I felt like I was being gifted a large amount of free time all of the sudden. Not working (outside the home), one kid at school full days every day, the other half day everyday. And, a husband who no longer needed to train to run an Ironman Triathlon. Not to mention, I am living in a small town with no traffic jams, no large malls to wander, and a house with no T.V. channels. Family, friends, and even strangers, must have sensed that I was coming into some new freedom because I had heard and have heard often "so, what are you going to do with yourself?"
So, I made a mental checklist of goals I wanted to achieve. Things I always thought I would do if I had the opportunity or time. And, things I needed to get done. I have actually not written them down until now. But here it goes:
Learn to surf
Lose weight (when has this not been on the list, really)
Learn to knit (something I always wished I had learned better from my mom)
Make the perfect pie crust
Finish all 100 hours of CME (continuing medical education)
Do online photo albums, organizing all of our digital photographs
Edit all of our video history
Organize all of my favorite recipes (been trying to do this for years)
Win a contest (preferably some big cash or prize give a way)
Keep a trip journal/ blog
Organize all of our kiwi adventures - be the Adams Family travel agent
Become well read again... I have been playing too much sudoku in the past years and not reading enough books
Throw my kids some killer b-day parties as both did not have ones last year due to all the commotion with the big move
And, of course, be a fabulous hostess for all of our guests...
MARCH 2ND, 2012
Well, I started this blog back in September. And I am now going to finish it almost 5 1/2 months later. Geez, where does the time go.
So, I have done okay with the list. It seems that once I finished a couple of goals I felt good enough. Also, I think life just started to feel a little more normal/ routine around here. Not as much like we were living out the dream (until of course I would look out the window at the fabulous view). No, it just wasn't as new and exciting everyday. Hence, the blog stopped! And,friends, school, visitors, trips, birthday parties, swimming lessons, horseback riding lessons, as well as my new hobbies, were enough to keep me busy.
Anyways.. I did learn to knit, I have made my share of pies and pie crusts from hand, and I started reading books again. All of which I contribute to the fact that I have NOT lost weight, but instead gained some. I did win a Gisborne Tourism photo contest ( 2nd prize of 50 dollars) with my picture of Brett and Liam walking down the beach (and had it in the Gisborne Herald multiple times). I have spent countless hours booking places to stay for our big Australia in October and our upcoming South Island adventures. I finished my CME. I have not been so successful with the surfing, but having fun trying. I sure know a whole lot more about waves and surfboards than the average Minnesota girl knows though. I threw a "Feeling FIVE and Fabulous" b-day party for Phoebe and a "HUNTING down the 7th year" party for Liam. I found a fantastic recipe app for the computer "Yummy Soup". And I hosted 7+ more weeks total of guests (whew!)
So, that leaves me with this whole organizing photos/ editing videos... which I have significantly gone in the whole with - we have taken thousands and thousands of new pictures.
And, keeping this whole trip journal. Which I am a now ready to start up again. As life is about to get a little more new and interesting again....
My first two knitting projects |
Stay Tuned!
(and I will try and post some more pictures later... I am too overwhelmed at looking all the ones I have missed posting over the the last 7-8 months.... we really have had some great times)